Sunday, December 12, 2010

Acupuncture Fights the Holiday Blues

Call Kate Ruma & Associates Acupuncture in Arlington, Ma
Treat Depression Naturally!

At the University of Arizona by new pilot study researchers concluded that acupuncture is a very reliable and promising treatment mainly for the major depression in women. Actually Depression is very common in US and it is one of the mostly reported medical reasonings. In that case many patients are not getting proper treatments so they give up at very early stages. After recovery from it, many are not able to cure it totally and so it is suggested that there should be some alternative treatment available for depression other than psychotherapy and medication.

For the depression treatment one can go for the electro acupuncture, it actually involves the application of a small electrical current through acupuncture needles and nothing else. Most of the researchers have concluded that acupuncture is more effective for mild depression and for depression related to a chronic medical illness.

Acupuncture is one of the natural as well as safe way to treated the depression. Anxiety and Stress are the main depression that has been caused mainly due to the chemical imbalances in the brain. For this the conventional treatments include anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs, and sleeping pills mostly. But the common side effects of these kinds of drugs are blurred vision, headache, drowsiness, low libido, and many like these.

Acupuncture helps in a natural way for stimulating the central nervous system and increasing the production of naturally occurring chemicals in the body like endorphins and enkephalins, which are responsible for a person's mood and feeling of well being etc. Acupuncture treatment is mainly based on the increasing or balancing the life energy, which is regulating emotional, mental, and physical balance of the body. So depression, anxiety and stress occur by abnormal emotions, which reduce the normal flow of life energy.

In China,it is believed that medicine governs the emotions of an individual. They believe that the body as well as the mind is a real part of the same functional system. Acupuncture method actually helps the body and mind and balances emotional distress in a natural way successfully as it promotes the body's natural healing abilities.

Acupuncture Helps in a Natural Way

•Acupuncture never separates the mind and body but it treats both the physical and mental symptoms of conditions at the same time
•It enhances the health of anyone with conditions caused by drug side effects
•It helps by reducing or eliminating the need for medication and its inherent side effects
•It emphasizes prevention and health maintenance by a balance diet
In addition to acupuncture treatment, the following facts should be considered for the prevention of emotional or mental disturbances are listed below :

•Avoid nicotine, caffeine and alcohol which aggravate stress
•Generally hot, spicy, or cold, raw foods and iced drinks should be avoided
•Balanced diet, avoid excessive meats and carbohydrates food
•Over thinking and overly ambitious goals should be avoided
•Physical exhaustion and plenty of rest should be avoided
•Exercise like deep breathing techniques such as meditation, Tai Chi or Qi Gong are helpful
•Take a full complement of Vitamin B, magnesium and iron as its deficiency lead to depression
Acupunctures Additional Benefits

Acupuncture helps by balancing the hormones in the body responsible for the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual conditions of the body and mind.

1.It helps to create emotional balance, calmed the body and mind
2.It improves the overall health and well-being
3.It improves mental conditions and enhanced concentration
4.It also reduces pain and muscle tension
5.Enriched sleep
6.It helps to feel positive about self, more interest in life
7.It increases energy by regular exercise
8.It improves ability to handle changes and problems in life easily
9.It also reduces eating disorders

Kate Ruma & Associates Acupuncture 180 Mass Av Arlington, Ma 02474 617.372.3960

Sunday, May 9, 2010

New! Kids Clinic every Friday

New! Kids' Clinic every Friday

Work with Brette to help your child's ADHD, eczema, asthma, headaches, allergies, digestive disorders, and more. All ages welcome.

Call 617-372-3960

Acupuncture Helps Fight Pain, Depression During Pregnancy, and Reduces Joint Swelling in Women Taking Aromatase Inhibitors

Research Shows Acupuncture Helps Fight Pain, Depression During Pregnancy, and Reduces Joint Swelling in Women Taking Aromatase Inhibitors

The latest research on acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine shows what we already know—that acupuncture can treat many serious conditions, including pain, depression during pregnancy and reduce joint swelling.
A recent paper by Neuroscientists from the University of York and Hull York Medical School shows that acupuncture has specific effects within areas of the brain associated with pain. Having successfully treated many people for various types of pain and knowing that the brain is a fundamental part of how people perceive pain, we were not surprised by the results of this study.

A recent trial at Stanford University examined the use of acupuncture to reduce the frequency and severity of depression symptoms during pregnancy2. The trial, which involved 150 women, found that the women who had acupuncture had a significant improvement in their depression symptoms. In our experience, acupuncture can help with many of the emotional changes that occur during pregnancy.

Another recent trial looked at using acupuncture to reduce joint swelling in women taking aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer3. Join pain is a common side affect from the aromatase inhibitors, and many women discontinue the treatment because of the pain. The study enrolled 43 women at Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center. The patients who received acupuncture in this trial reported a significant decrease in the severity of their pain as well as a significant improvement in their overall physical well-being. When treating patients who are undergoing chemotherapy we've also seen them have an overall improvement. Other side effects from cancer medications that we've treated include hot flashes, nausea and digestive issues.

If you or someone you know suffers from any of these conditions, please call us today for a free phone consultation to discuss how acupuncture can relieve your pain, depression and/or suffering.
1. Asghar et al. Acupuncture needling sensation: The neural correlates of deqi using fMRI. Brain Research, 2010

2. Manber et al. Acupuncture for Depression During Pregnancy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2010

3. Crew et al. Randomized, Blinded, Sham-Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for the Management of Aromatase Inhibitor–Associated Joint Symptoms in Women With Early-Stage Breast Cancer Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2010

New spring hours

In January, Brette Luck MAOM, Lic Ac., joined our practice. Brette's a wonderful practitioner with several years of both clinical experience and research experience. Along with treatment hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Brette will be running a Kids' Clinic on Friday afternoons. Her full bio is below.

With the addition of Brette to our practice, we are now Kate Ruma & Associates Acupuncture
. Our new hours are:

Monday: Kate Ruma 1pm-7pm

Tuesday: Kate Ruma
10am - 2pm
Brette Luck 3pm - 8pm

Wednesday: Kate Ruma 10am - 7pm

Thursday: Kate Ruma
10am - 2pm
Brette Luck 3pm - 8pm

Friday: Kids' Clinic 2:30pm-7:30pm

Welcome, Brette!

Brette Luck, MAOM, Lic Ac
Associate Acupuncturist

From both personal and professional experiences, Brette has found that a wide variety of autoimmune disorders respond well to acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. She enjoys treating patients with autoimmune related chronic problems and seeing them derive overall quality of life improvements.

Along with having a passion for treating people with autoimmune disorders, Brette has had a passion for women's health care for many years.

Before becoming an acupuncturist, Brette was a researcher and worked on five National Institutes of Health funded clinical studies including one to develop a noninvasive technology for cervical cancer detection.

Additionally, her experience as a new mom has helped to give her a greater understanding of the physical and emotional changes of women before, during, and after pregnancy.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Glorious Greens

by Erika McCarthy, Holistic Health Counselor

So many people I talk to seem to intuitively know they should be eating more greens, but don’t actually do it. Knowing why we should all be eating more greens may inspire you to actually do it! Green vegetables are the foods most missing in modern diets. Learning to cook and eat greens is essential to creating health. When you nourish yourself with greens, you will naturally crowd out the foods that make you sick. Greens help build your internal rain forest and strengthen the blood and respiratory systems. They are especially good for city people who rarely see fields of green in open countryside. Green is associated with spring, the time of renewal, refreshment and vital energy. In Asian medicine, green is related to the liver, emotional stability and creativity.

Nutritionally, greens are very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc and vitamins A, C, E and K. They are crammed with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micronutrients and phyto-chemicals. Whenever possible, choose organic. But eating non-organic greens is much better than not eating any greens at all!
Some of the benefits from eating dark leafy greens are:

  • Blood purification
  • Cancer prevention
  • Improved circulation
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Promotion of healthy intestinal flora
  • Promotion of subtle, light and flexible energy
  • Lifted spirit and elimination of depression
  • Improved liver, gall bladder and kidney function
  • Cleared congestion, especially in lungs by reducing mucus

There are so many greens to choose from. Find greens that you love and eat them often. When you get bored with your favorites, be adventurous and try greens that you’ve never heard of before. If you dislike the taste of greens or have a hard time building enough of them into your diet, try dried greens in the form of powder that you can mix easily into your favorite juice. Call us today at 617.372.3960 to order high quality green powder and start feeling better today!
