Sunday, May 9, 2010

Welcome, Brette!

Brette Luck, MAOM, Lic Ac
Associate Acupuncturist

From both personal and professional experiences, Brette has found that a wide variety of autoimmune disorders respond well to acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. She enjoys treating patients with autoimmune related chronic problems and seeing them derive overall quality of life improvements.

Along with having a passion for treating people with autoimmune disorders, Brette has had a passion for women's health care for many years.

Before becoming an acupuncturist, Brette was a researcher and worked on five National Institutes of Health funded clinical studies including one to develop a noninvasive technology for cervical cancer detection.

Additionally, her experience as a new mom has helped to give her a greater understanding of the physical and emotional changes of women before, during, and after pregnancy.

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