Sunday, December 4, 2011

Unsure how to decrease stress and anxiety in your life?

The following is an excerpt from Tara Miller's article: "100 Natural Ways to Overcome Anxiety"


Stress Reduction

A major source of anxiety is the stress that creeps up through daily living. Take these suggestions to reduce stress and help eliminate anxiety.

  1. Let go of control. Learn to accept that some things are beyond your ability to control. Once this expectation is gone, you will likely discover a reduction of your stress.
  2. Do one thing at a time. Slow down and stop multitasking. Doing one thing at a time will reduce stress and allow you to perform each task more efficiently.
  3. Learn to say "no". Turning away what you don’t have time to do will free you from obligations that will end up hanging over your head.
  4. Emotions. Keep in touch with your emotions. Pretending you don’t have feelings of anger, sadness, or loneliness will just push these feeling down until they come back out in negative ways.
  5. Let go of anger. Don’t hold on to anger or grudges. Instead, learn how to let go so you can focus on more positive things.
  6. Identify stressors. Realize what makes you feel stressed and do something to change them. If watching the news makes you stressed, turn it off. If driving in traffic raises your blood pressure, then find ways to change or delay driving so you aren’t in traffic.
  7. Learn time management techniques. Organizing your time and energy will help you complete tasks more efficiently and clear the way for less stress in your life.
  8. Make time for yourself. Making sure you carve out some time for yourself every day will not only give you time to do something you enjoy, but will help you relax as well.
  9. Journal. Identify stressors or just get out those negative feelings you may not want to tell other people with a private journal.
  10. Find your sense of humor. Learning to laugh at life and finding the joy every day will go a long way to reducing stress.

1 comment:

Marie Kristy said...

I am really impressed by the blog After reading this blog, the blogger has given good information on reduce stress.i'll follow this tips.Thank u so much.